. Day Four we had the talent/variety show, and let me tell you, the amount of talent in some of these kids is outrageous! Several times I thanked Him for seating me away from everybody so I could shed tears in piece. I think back to my time at their age and desperately wish things had been different (such as having the support and backing at home I needed).
But, He delayed me for a reason. He put me here, in this place, at this time, in certain peoples' lives for a reason, as He has put certain people in my life at this time for a reason...
Other than the show, it was a pretty uneventful evening, other than chilling with Michael, Davey, Jamario, Hannah, and Amanda in the lobby of North Hall chowing down on a veggie tray and an apple, cheese, and caramel tray.
And my heart was gladdened during my class, as my little buddy perked right up when I set him up by himself to work with my beginner's book. And speaking of...I need to figure out how I'm going to run this final class...
Peace, love, and hair grease!
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