Sunday, August 14, 2016

Ladies and gentlemen...A. J.

     My music channel, My Musical Journey, 1973 - ???, is now live with my first recording (Well, the first one I've converted and uploaded...) and can be found here. As mentioned in the notes, the recording isn't that great, I was tired as heck, but I'd promised something soon, so I gave it what I had in the tank (bottom of the barrel, apparently). Lesson learned: if you're going to record, don't rehearse for two hours prior...

     My final shift as a delivery driver is tomorrow after church. Looking forward to putting that phase of my life behind me. I mean, it was a job I enjoyed, and was pretty damn good at (my current company is VERY upset that I'm leaving...they've been mentioning it after every shift), but it's not something I ever disillusioned myself as being enough to live on. I just never had the drive to do something about it, and the first time I did, everything fell apart before I even finished the admissions process. If things had gone right, I'd have graduated the semester before I actually DID start.

     Speaking of: nine more days before the semester starts! Then I'll be so busy with my studies and singing I won't have time to think of the severe disappointments and let-downs of the summer, and maybe, finally, can put them out of mind, or at the very least have them so muted they won't be there in conscious thought.

     Well, if I'm going avoid missing church two weeks in a row, I've got to hit the racks.

     Here's hoping for a good number of deliveries with a lot of big tips!

Am I even an afterthought to you?


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