The current MU Music Department Full Tuition Scholarship awardees: Mary, Jimmy, Emily, Ben, Alexis, Davey, Sarah, myself, Hannah, Chris, Jordan, and Jamario |
A lot has gone on in the almost 3 weeks since my last post. New brochure photoshoot. First Student Day Recital. The birth of a "club" which led to some fun times. Another paid gig worked. The death of a classmate's mom. A chapel performance.
Jamario, Jimmy, Ben, Davey, myself, and Chris |
The photoshoot was not fun in the regard that we walked a lot, and this was before I received my hard brace, so all I had on was a wrap. Oy.
I actually look decent. Unlike last year's photos where I looked like a old, fat woman...
The sun makes it look like I have less hair than I do, which is still bad, lol! I still need a haircut, pretty shaggy in the back, although I did have the sides trimmed (more on that later).
Why was I chosen to do the "action" shots?
The ankle issue is just one of many ways this semester has been completely jacked up. But that's neither here nor there, and this is not the place to cover it.
Solo auditions for the Regina Coeli were, compared to recent performances, kinda grueling. Yet, we got through them, and I was lucky enough to be selected as the bass soloist. Just wish there was more for the bass to do, but, enh, who ya gonna call (the original Ghostbusters, not that travesty of a remake)?
Breast Cancer Awareness month, kicked off by a 52 - 13 shellacking at the hands of Maryville... |
FINALLY got to see and talk with EJ, which I haven't done in forever, since he was at the game to pick up Kyle as opposed to Ginger doing it. Yakked on and on for almost an entire quarter. Had Emma and Talia wondering where the hell I went, lol.
Sweet Josie Brown from Raleigh |
Sweet Josie with what's left of my Americo |
Brixx is definitely my new watering hole. Even after the management upheaval a little over a week ago, it's an awesome place to enjoy a craft brew and a brick oven pizza. My regular barmaid is also a musician/music nerd, so we have plenty to talk about when she isn't hustling her butt off. The new GM, Will, is awesome, and has a slight connection to MU.
A week earlier than the doctor said was the minimum, but I was going absolutely bat-shit crazy not being able to do anything. This is the game prior to the game that was prior to ours, BTW. |
After much, well, not so much begging as pleading, I returned to the team this past Thursday, even thought the doctor said it would be a week longer, minimum, before I could play. I knew the team we were playing was going to destroy us, but I had to do it, for my sanity if nothing else. And yet, we managed to secure our first victory of the season (1-10, baby!) with a 21-20 victory in 5 innings (shortened due to time constraints). Went 4-for-4 with a walk and 4 singles, 7 RBIs, and 3 runs scored. Defensively, had two putouts and 3 assists as again I was at my defensive home (2nd base). It was the first time I was able to meet all Fitbit goals in a while...
Can't wait till I can go back to doing this daily... |
Anyway, about the haircut. Woman I had met online through a certain site reestablished contact, wanted piano lessons. Mentioned needing a haircut, she trimmed my top and sides. Really need the back done, but, enh, what ya gonna do?
And finally for this "where are they now" update, our first Student Day Recital was Friday the 30th, and I was one of the seven performing (even though I am only in my second year: I don't use Fresh/Soph/Junior/Senior in my regards, as it just creates confusion since I am listed one standing higher than the actual year I am in), and one of only two vocalists. Only slight jiggling of my knee this time ("The terror of performing never goes away. You just get very, very used to being terrified." - Eric Whitacre), but I crushed it. Dr. McCloud was impressed (and I was informed that that is difficult to do), Dr. Hancock could envision the story as I sang, there were tears shed, and, most importantly, Dr. Susan was very proud of what I had achieved that day. Now the real work begins...
As I finish this post, there still has been no decision on classes even though MU is still without power AND water, and there's still the consideration of its commuter students and their ability to get to the campus (I should have no issues should the need arise, but I know a great many who are unable to get out of their neighborhood, much less make it to campus). Oh, well. Still studying for my mid-terms, just in case...